Anita Kozan

If you are wondering whether becoming a private client and working with me is right for you, please contact me to discuss it. This will help you make a better informed decision, knowing the parameters of my private practice and how you might best be served.


My preferred contact is via cell phone at 612.669.3206. Verbal communication is my specialty and returning phone calls is my first priority, usually within 2 business days of when I receive them. ()My cell is turned off at night and when I’m with clients, so dial away anytime.


You can also reach me via email by using the form at left or at However, how quickly I respond will depend on the other responsibilities in my life. Please email me again if you have not heard from me within a week. Emails can go off into the great unknown, even under the best of circumstances.

I thank you for your interest in my work. I hope that I can be of assistance in helping you heal your voice, speech and spirit.

May your journey be filled with unexpected joys and blessings. Pray for what you need. If you don’t ask, the answer is always “no.”